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Plants generously and regularly visit, teach, and heal us in the night. Not only is dreaming's agenda to wake us up to the broader nature of ourselves... but also to reweave our embodied interconnection with the entire web of life and Dream of Earth herself.


Dreaming is a powerful, natural and in this particular time and place, under-utilized inner technology that is available to everyone. Most of us in modernity have become better at forgetting than remembering, but rest assured - we all dream 4-7 times every night. 


By turning towards our dreams, we provide a clear path for the wisdom, healing, and relationship from the plant spirits to more readily flow, broadening the depth of the herbalism we practice.


Herbs and Dreams


We will cover...

- Beliefs about dreams - what they are, where they come from, what to do with them - from sources other than modernity. 

- How to cultivate and sustain and rich and soul-filled personal dream practice.

- What to "do" with plant dreams - how to interpret them on the personal and the herbal levels.

- How to weave the messages from the dream world into this one, on behalf of ourselves, those we serve, and all of life. 

- How dreaming enhances and deepens our practice as herbalists.


Facilitator Bio


Lauren Morgan is a mother, herbalist and dreamer living in the forests of Washington state’s Olympic Peninsula. She teaches folk and plant-spirit herbalism, hosts dream circles and ceremonies, and is a dedicated student/steward of the plants, the dreams, and the Mother Earth. She is the author of the upcoming book Seasonal Herbalism: A Beginner's Path to Medicine Making and Dreaming with Mother Earth. Learn more about Morgan and her work with Laurel Crown Healing HERE.


    Saturday August 10 2024. 10:00-1:00pm

    This workshop will be hosted in person at Flora Farm, our local medicinal herb farm and herbal apothecary. Located off Lower Elwha in west Port Angeles, directions and parking information will be released upon workshop registration. 


    How can dreaming enhance our work as herbalists? We'll explore how to cultivate a personal dream practice, how to interpret dreams and how to weave these dreams into our life and practice in practical ways with herbalist, mother and dreamer Lauren Morgan.


    Each class will host a maximum of 10 people for effective, intimate and hands on learning experiences. Each class will host a maximum of 10 people for effective, intimate and hands on learning experiences. The sliding scale framework comes from a desire to create multiple access points for participants based on an individuals financial circumstances (utilize the "green bottle" chart included in the photos to assist in understanding where you may land on the sliding scale).

We respectfully acknowledge that Flora Farm is on the ceded tribal land of the Lower Elwha Klallam. We are honored to tend to this land and endeavor to reflect the life and medicine that it so generously offers. 


For plant profiles, herbal based rituals, seasonal herbal medicine releases & early bird access to workshop registration.

Thank you, we look forward to connecting


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